Your Ceilings Will Thank You

If your house was built in a year that doesn’t start with a “2”, and your lights are original to your home, it might be time to replace them. We all have different taste, and I get that, so this post is directed towards anyone looking for easy ways to update their home. Speaking of updating, sometimes I find that the “up” gets lost in updating. We look around and think about the grand projects staring us in the face- the dark kitchen with the dated countertops are hard to overlook. But small updates can change the look and feel of your home, without breaking the bank.

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Samantha LoveComment
Spray, Don't Pay

Saving money wherever possible is essential if your home has an ongoing list of projects like mine. It may sound silly, but spray paint has become one of my best friends. I usually keep a can of white, black, and gold in my garage for quick fixes and small projects. When it comes to renovations, details matter, and they don’t have to break the bank.

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Samantha LoveComment
There Isn't a “Black and White” Answer

As a parent, when I see white, I shutter. I stopped buying white shirts, almost 5 years ago when my son was born, and my 3 year old daughter is WAY messier than he ever was. You might then say it was a crazy move of mine then, that I had the interior of our entire house painted white 2 years ago when we bought it, and that when we gutted our kitchen, we went with white cabinets.

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Samantha LoveComment
A Horse Trainer?

Remember those tests you took in high school that were supposed to give you a direction in your career choice? It consisted of a bunch of questions about your interests and hobbies, as well as things you wanted to stay clear of. The basic idea was that if you answered honestly, your test results would yield a few fields that you might want to pursue in college and when all is said and done you would have yourself a happy career!

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